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Font Tools

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Code93 Fontware

Code 93 barcodes can be printed by using this font package.
US$ 89.00
3.1 MB


Enables you to generate circled numbers using any number between 0 to 99 in two different forms such as numbers inside hollow circles and white numbers inside filled circles.
248.6 KB

Console fonts

Useful fixed-pitch bitmap fonts for programmers to beautify their source code.
42.0 KB

Cool Barcode Maker

This tool helps you to easily generate your own barcodes in different barcode formats such as EAN128A, EAN128B, UPC A, UPC E, UPC Supp2 and more. Preview, import and export facilities are available.
US$ 79.00
1.81 MB

Create Smooth Fonts

Easy converter to display TrueType fonts as grey scaled on the screen in an easy to read format.
US$ 9.00
318.0 KB

Create Smooth Fonts

Easy converter to display TrueType fonts as grey scaled on the screen in an easy to read format.
US$ 9.00
318.0 KB

Create Smooth Fonts

A simple and compact font application that helps you to convert TrueType fonts into a more readable or legiable font.
US$ 9.00
322.1 KB

Data Matrix Barcode Font and Encoder

A feature enhanced font printer program, which helps you to print DataMatrix barcode as TrueType, FON, BDF etc., in any local program and application.
US$ 199.00
1.94 MB

Data Matrix Encoder

Bar code representation for commercial purposes that helps you to encode 128 ASCII characters and extended ASCII.
US$ 129.00
2.78 MB

DataMatrix Fontware

Datamatrix barcode symbols can be printed by using this barcode font package.
US$ 129.00
2.5 MB
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